Books: by
Title: Quotable Cuomo: The Mario Years
Hundreds of memorable quotes from one of America's most
captivating public speakers are included in this 120-page
softcover book. Compiled by journalists Brian
Meyer and Mary Murray, this is an
essential volume for researchers and politicos.
During an interview on CBS' Face The Nation, Cuomo
was asked who was right on the Persian Gulf war, the Democrats or
President Bush?...
"I would say the President did a very right thing by
going to Congress and asking their permission; remember we
thought he wouldn't? So he was right going to Congress. The
Congress said it was right to go to war. Since the Congress
told him he should go to war, he did the right thing by
winning it, and the people who did it most right of all were
the men and women from my state and every other state who
went there willing to sacrifice their lives -- and some of
them did. They were the most right of all."
The book includes a comprehensive index and photographs by Joe Traver.
ISBN: 0-879201-03-8