Books: by Title: Alfred and Alfred Station
It focuses on not only education -- always highly valued, as evidenced in the three institutions of higher learning here -- but also on the people, businesses, farms, and civic organizations that have enriched the town for 200 years. As most of the early settlers were Seventh Day Baptists, they brought their ideals and common religious practices to Alfred, ideals that strongly influenced the development of the town for over 150 years. One theory as to how Alfred got its name is that since the Seventh Day Baptists valued education so highly, they named the town after English king Alfred the Great, as he is also known as the "Education King." Using images from private collections and local historical repositories, Local resident Laurie Lounsberry McFadden has created Alfred and Alfred Station to help commemorate the town of Alfred's bicentennial.
ISBN: 978-0-7385-5472-3